Apr 25, 2023
Sequenced Collections, targeted for JDK 21, are a new collection type created to represent a sequence of elements with a defined encounter order.
Ana recorded this episode with Stuart Marks, the owner of JEP 431 about Sequenced Collections. Stuart discusses the essence of Sequenced Collection interfaces, what needs...
Mar 21, 2023
Preview Features have been essential to the delivery of Java for the past 5 years, and Java 20 is no exception with second previews of both Virtual Threads and the Foreign Function & Memory API.
Chad discussing the importance of Preview Features with Alex Buckley, as well as an Informational JEP that added some...
Jan 12, 2023
Helidon Níma is the first Java microservices framework built from the ground up on virtual threads.
David recorded this episode with Tomas Langer, the Helidon architect. Tomas discusses virtual threads from a framework developer point of view. He explains Níma, its architecture and how virtual threads fit in. He also...